DOI & IGSN Minting
Create a Digital Twin for your Samples and Datasets with Persistent Identifiers (PIDs).
Unique Persistent Identifier Minting
Lithodat is the only commercial entity to offer industry clients a Persistent Identifier (PID) minting service for IGSNs. As an official member of the International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) organisation, Lithodat can mint IGSNs for any sample or analysis, creating a "Digital Twin" and establishing a long-lasting reference with a public landing page for each IGSN. PIDs help eliminate duplicates and make your data easier to discover.
Being a member of DataCite, Lithodat also offers publishing services for datasets and collections. Once a dataset is finalised and ready for publication, it is assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and can be shared with the global geoscience community.
Create your own “Digital Twin”.
Significant reduction of duplicates in data.
Increased findability.
Published and citable data sets and data points.