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DOI & IGSN Minting

Create a Digital Twin for your Samples and Datasets with Persistent Identifiers (PIDs).

Unique Persistent Identifier Minting

Lithodat is the only commercial entity to offer industry clients a Persistent Identifier (PID) minting service for IGSNs. As an official member of the International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) organisation, Lithodat can mint IGSNs for any sample or analysis, creating a "Digital Twin" and establishing a long-lasting reference with a public landing page for each IGSN. PIDs help eliminate duplicates and make your data easier to discover.

Being a member of DataCite, Lithodat also offers publishing services for datasets and collections. Once a dataset is finalised and ready for publication, it is assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and can be shared with the global geoscience community.

  • Create your own “Digital Twin”.

  • Significant reduction of duplicates in data.

  • Increased findability.

  • Published and citable data sets and data points.

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Melbourne, Australia

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